16&23 September: Bike excursions



This September, Boerengroep is organising two bike excursions. We will visit two local, organic producers who sell their products directly to consumers. Join these excursions to get to know their products while exploring the beautiful surroundings of Wageningen!

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10th of June: excursion De Bolster



Within the world of seeds, discussions on patenting, genetic modification and protection of biodiversity are still going strong. Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer seem the only important names on the world market. But not far from Wageningen, a relatively small Dutch family company specialised in organic seeds has made fame of its own. Join Boerengroep to De Bolster this June and see for yourself how seeds are grown.

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25 June: Allemaal Lokaal excursion to dairy farm

allemaal lokaal

Importing soy from Latin America, so that we can feed our cows in Europe and eat cheap meat. Most people are not in favour of this production method. But what to do?

Farmer Gerjo and gardener Fred from the dairy farm Ruimzicht have one mission: to have a 100% local production system with care and attantion for the animals, the people and the environment. Their vision is to work as locally as possible, sponsor – and empower – the local economy, instead of the multinationals. They sell ‘amazon free milk and meat’ since the cows are fed with locally produced food. Moreover the farm generates its own energy and sells its products locally: in the farm shop, in the region via veggy bags and part of the cheese goes to Germany. Join the excursion to hear the full story! There’s also lots of food to taste, jummie!

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21 June: Excursion to Monsanto

Do you want to know what is happening inside the doors of Monsanto? We are most happy to announce that Monsanto Wageningen is opening its doors for Boerengroep…. Want to join us for a tour and a discussion afterwards, you can sign up here Report of the visit to Monsanto. Patents vs breeders rights, breeding … Read more

14 May: Chicken Excursion

Its time for EGGS. They are everywhere: in our cookies, cakes, dishes and a nice omelet in the morning. But where do they come from exactly? Join us this Saturday on our one and only Chicken Excursion! We will visit a ‘Rondeel’ farm, a concept of keeping chickens in a very special way. This concept … Read more