Recording webinar About Peatlands

Here you can find the recording of our webinar About Peatlands, that was held on the 4th of November. Scroll down for more information! If we want a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, we need to increase our carbon sinks. Strengthening peatlands is one of the three most important ways to do that, stated Frans Timmermans … Read more

Interview with a Boerengroep Board Member: Shumaila Shaikh

This time we interviewed Shumaila Shaikh, a well-experienced Farm Experience Internship organizer and currently an intern at Boerengroep. Enjoy! What is your name? Shumaila Shaikh Where are you from? Coastal India Do you have a farming/theatre background? Yes! In both. I played the shoemakers wife in a play when I was 10 and I grew … Read more

Pluktuin Workshop n°1 : no-dig market gardening

Pluktuin Sayuran is an agroecological no-dig market garden based within the pre-existing Pluktuin de Bosrand. It produces a wide variety of vegetables, fruit and edible flowers throughout the growing season, which you can harvest yourself during opening hours. Payment is by weight or piece, depending on the product, and there is no need for a … Read more

Publication YOUR LAND, MY LAND, OUR LAND by Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Movement

“Today the Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Movement in Europe and Central Asia (Nyéléni ECA) launches a practical tool to support and strengthen land struggles for small and medium-scale food producers and local communities. Land access issues, long since recognised in international and institutional spaces, are even more urgent in the current context: both due to the … Read more