November 26: Let’s talk TTIP

TTIPHave you heard about TTIP? If not, then it’s about time!The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a trade agreement between the EU and the US that is currently being negotiated. It aims at removing trade barriers in a wide range of economic sectors, including the agricultural sector.
Proponents claim that TTIP will boost economic growth and create jobs on both sides of the Atlantic.
An increasing number of citizen initiatives, however, is organizing protest against TTIP. They claim that TTIP undermines democracy, consumer rights and environmental protection – achievements that European citizens have fought hard for for centuries.
At the same time, citizens are virtually excluded from decisions about TTIP – negotiations take place behind closed doors and drafts of the agreement are kept secret.Therefore we want to go in debate. What does TTIP propose? What are possible consequences of this agreement? How can we influence European politics?Come & discuss with us on the 26nd of November. Speakers are:
* Joop de Koeier (Via Campesina / arable farmer) on the global food market and the history of trade agreements.
* Presentation Sieta van Keimpema (Dutch Dairymen Board and European Milk Board) on the consequences of TTIP for European agriculture.
* Presentation Roeline Knottnerus (Advisor on trade and investment policy and Transnational Institute and SOMO)
* Presentation Henk Riphagen (policy officer agro-economics at ministery of economic affairs). He talked about this document in his speech.

Date: Wednesday 26th of November
Time: 19:30
Location: Forum Building, C214
More info: check our website/facebook