28 May: DIY – Workshop how to slaughter a chicken

poster chicken workshopFor all of you who like to eat meat in an animal friendly way, one of the best options is to keep animals yourself and … slaughter them yourself. In this workshop we will teach you how to slaughter a chicken. The chickens are ‘organic’ (they had a wonderful time outside and have been fed with organic food). For €10,- you can follow the workshop and you can bring the chicken home for a nice local and animal friendly meal!



Date: 28 May
Time: 10:00-13:00
Costs: € 10,- (includes the chicken)
Place: Droevendaal, Common Barrack
(Note: there’s limited place available, full=full)

Sign up via: roosgeit@hotmail.com

Chickens in Europe

Robinson T.P., Wint, G.R.W., Conchedda, G., Van Boeckel, T.P., Ercoli, V., Palamara, E., Cinardi, G., D’Aietti, L., Hay, S.I and Gilbert, M. (2014) Mapping the global distribution of livestock. PLoS ONE 9(5):e96084. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096084