Nov: Disco Soup!

Boerengroep will present the Disco Soup! Join us for some yummie veggies : )

Disco Soup is an international grassroots movement to raise awareness of food waste. Disco Soup originates from Slow Food Youth Deutschland, who devised the concept – “Schnippel Disko” – preparing otherwise-wasted vegetables within a party-like atmosphere, which has since been replicated from Paris to New York. Tristram Stuart, founder of Feeding the 5000, a campaigning group that champion Disco Soup, says “Disco Soup has proved to be an unparalleled format for engaging new people in the [food waste] movement (and we love it!).” 

Everyone is welcome to join in to peel, cut and prepare unwanted fruit and vegetables to the sound of music. The soup is shared and distributed for free so that members of the public are able to come along for a tasty lunch, for some fun afternoon peeling and chopping, for a quick supper, or to simply spend the day enjoying the music.

While Disco Soup is a fun music event, it will also serve to highlight the serious problem of food waste and to catalyse action by promoting delicious, community-based solutions to food waste.