Excursion to Agrifirm in Oss

feedtroughWondering what a cattle feed factory looks like from the inside? Curious to know how cattle feed is produced? Want to find out how and why micronutrients are used in cattle feed products and where Agrifirm gets them from? Join the second activity of the Incredible Micronutrients series organized by RUW to find out!

RUW organizes the transport to and from Oss. Costs are 5 euros per person. Registration is required, as there are limited places available. You can register for the excursion by sending an e-mail to ruw@wur.nl. For more information about the Micronutrient series and the excursion: www.stichtingruw.nl

Date: November 1st, 12.30-16.30
Costs: 5 euros