September 27: Excursion to sustainable projects in Amsterdam

urban foodAre you interested in sustainable food production and urban development? Join RUW Foundation and Farmer’s Foundation on their excursion to Amsterdam on the 27th of September!

Together with the research and educational institute Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, RUW and Boerengroep will explore solutions to some of the challenges that cities face when it comes to quality of life, food production and sustainable urban development.
What can you expect? Visits to/presentations by:

  • Mini-Rondeel, a recently opened chicken farm and showcase for sustainable food production and energy production in the city.

  • Fruit Farm ‘Tuinen van West’, an organic fruit farm with a holistic focus on sustainable farming.

  • Metabolic/De Ceuvel, once a polluted area, De Ceuvel is now a cleantech playground where new blueprints and technologies for sustainable urban development are applied

  • Tosti FabriekProducing all the ingredients for a ham and cheese toastie in the middle of Amsterdam!

When:  27th September
Time:    8.00-18.00
Where: Assembling at Forum building
Costs:   €20,-
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