Mushrooms excursion series: Mushroom dinner and lecture

 This evening is the second activity of the Mushroom Excursion Series. Prof. dr. Thom kuyper works at the department of soil quality and is specialized in fungal ecology and diversity. He will tell us everything you want to know about mushrooms. Beforehand, we organize a dinner with as main ingredient: mushrooms! If you want to join, send … Meer lezen

Mushrooms excursion series: Visit a mushroom Farmer

This visit is the third activity of the Mushroom Excursion Series. On the 30th of November we will visit the mushroom farm ‘het paddenstoelenhuis’. The farmer will give a presentation about their family farm and history. They will give us a tour at the farm and explain how they cultivate the mushrooms. Afterwards it is possible to … Meer lezen

Excursion to Agrifirm in Oss

Wondering what a cattle feed factory looks like from the inside? Curious to know how cattle feed is produced? Want to find out how and why micronutrients are used in cattle feed products and where Agrifirm gets them from? Join the second activity of the Incredible Micronutrients series organized by RUW to find out! RUW … Meer lezen

Bike Excursion to The Pondemaat

On the 28th of September, we will visit vegetable garden ‘de Pondemaat’ in ‘t Binnenveld. Hans Schiere, the owner will tell the beautiful story of this garden for one of the last times as they have to close the garden this year. We assemble at 15.30 in front of the forum building and will be … Meer lezen

excursion groenen hof

Excursion Groenen Hof On Saturday the 7th of September we will go to ‘De Groenen Hof’. It is a biodynamic farm, which multiplies and designs vegetable seeds. René Groenen, the owner wants to contribute to the development of vegetable breeds, biodiversity, plant science and feed quality. He will give us a tour around his farm … Meer lezen

Farm Excursion Series

The cows are outside. What about you? … … These excursions will bring you just what you need: a fresh nose, inspiration to support innovative farmers with your (future) research work, or maybe become one yourself….? Wednesday June 5: Grote Voort Lunteren and Ecofields, 13-18h, costs €5 Innovative alternative Dairy farm and Cheesemakers – Organic … Meer lezen

Excursion Bolster and farm

****** news flash: we will visit one more farm: de Hooge Kamp. This means we will be back around 5pm.***** Spring time! Let’s go outside. It’s full on spring time and time to seed. Wanted to know how the seeds you buy are produced? Join us to the Bolster for a guided tour. Afterwards we … Meer lezen

Chicken Excursion

On wednesday the 16th of November, we will organise a mini bike excursion to a research project that currently takes place at Unifarm/Droevendaalfarm, part of Wageningen University. The research is about how organic chickens grow on a diet that contains less (-30%) than the normal average feed intake of concentrate. This diet makes the chickens forage to … Meer lezen