The experience of starting a farming business as a young and new farmer

This page serves as notes for the Boerengroep Farmer’s Tale that took place on February 22nd, 2023. From Boerengroep, Rosh, Ruben and Daphne share their insights. Chris Chancelor, who farms together with Pauline Martel at Tuinderij het Lichtveen, talked about his and Pauliene’s experience starting off as young farmers in the Netherlands. They worked together … Meer lezen

Series of workshops by Tuinderij het Lichtveen

Tuinderij het Lichtveen is offering a series of workshops on No-Dig and Crop Planning! The no-dig approach to gardening is becoming increasing popular across Europe & beyond – but how does it work & how can you implement it yourself in your moestuin or market garden? In the coming couple of months they are offering … Meer lezen

Hoe kunnen hogere voedselprijzen inclusiever zijn?

It was probably obvious that CU’s Carola Schouten would be given interim acting responsibility for the recently unmanned portfolio of the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. Given her experience in this particular area gained during her ministry in the Rutte III Cabinet, it might also seem quite logical to many people. However, there … Meer lezen

The Beginner’s Guide to Boerengroep

Do you long for connection to the food-growing community? There are many paths in life that can lead a person to The Beginner’s Guide to Boerengroep – what matters the most is that you have arrived here. Whether you are new to Wageningen, or simply new to Boerengroep, you are probably aware of the importance … Meer lezen

What’s going on with this nitrogen crisis?

Tractors blocking highways, angry farmers, Dutch flags that are turned upside down, the minister of agriculture resigns and Dutch society seems increasingly polarized around a common chemical compound called nitrogen. What is going on? Boerengroep has selected 8 articles plus a podcast and ordered them in themes, so you can get a full grasp of … Meer lezen

A summer at the Farm Experience Internship: an agroecological experience!

Photo credits: Álvaro Micheletti Interviewed: Álvaro Micheletti (co-organizer of the FEI and Chair of Boerengroep) By: Anouk Borsboom (MOA-student and member of the Boerengroep) What is the Farm Experience Internship, why do you organise it? “In the practice of farming there are things that are not reducible to science. The FEI builds on and is … Meer lezen

Boerengroep 50 Years Reunion

[Nederlands hieronder]   On May 21, the long-anticipated Boerengroep and Inspringtheater 50-year reunion finally took place. Finally, because the anniversary of this organization, which is close to many people’s hearts, was set for 2021. Back in 2019, we started thinking about all the great things we could do, but then came – and this is … Meer lezen

Toekomstboeren Agroecology Training

14&15 May: AGROECOLOGY TRAINING [English below] Op 14 & 15 mei organiseert Toekomstboeren samen met het Agroecologie Netwerk en de La Via Campesina Europa een agroecologie training voor boeren, activisten en onderzoekers. De training behandelt thema’s zoals regeneratieve landbouw, toegang tot land, commoning, dekolonisatie en bewegingsopbouw. Wil je leren over agroecologische transformatie? Ervaring opdoen met … Meer lezen