Breaking Down the Nitrogen Crisis by Madelon van den Hoek Ostende What is the nitrogen crisis? When it comes to current issues that occupy Dutch politics, there seems to be one issue that is drawing the most attention, which is the nitrogen crisis. The nitrogen crisis has occupied the minds of politicians, farmers, and citizens … Meer lezen

The Beginner’s Guide to Boerengroep

Do you long for connection to the food-growing community? There are many paths in life that can lead a person to The Beginner’s Guide to Boerengroep – what matters the most is that you have arrived here. Whether you are new to Wageningen, or simply new to Boerengroep, you are probably aware of the importance … Meer lezen

Boerengroep 50 Years Reunion

[Nederlands hieronder]   On May 21, the long-anticipated Boerengroep and Inspringtheater 50-year reunion finally took place. Finally, because the anniversary of this organization, which is close to many people’s hearts, was set for 2021. Back in 2019, we started thinking about all the great things we could do, but then came – and this is … Meer lezen

Flavors of 2021

2021 was our anniversary year.. and even though we had some fantastic events, interesting conversations about the past and future, and were able to welcome a lot of new, enthusiastic people in Boerengroep – it wasn’t exactly what we had imagined it to be. We put some time in organizing a big festival in the … Meer lezen

Radical Relationality: Seminars with dr. Godfrey Nzamujo

[see pictures below] On November 4th, we were happy to receive dr. Godfrey Nzamujo in Wageningen! Dr. Godfrey Nzamujo studied and did research in microbiology, theology and philosophy, taught in university of California-Irvine and of Loyola Marymount. When he returned to Africa, he founded the Songhai Centers in Africa. In these Centers, he integrates Africa … Meer lezen

Impact of collaboration in Wageningen University and Research: new report by RUW

RUW and Otherwise organized several events and a research last year about the Impact of Collaboration. RUW has now released a report with the results of these activities. In it, they also make recommendations based on what people found important, and this with regard to Transparency, Decision Making (process and kind of companies for collaboration), … Meer lezen

Year Plan 2022

The Boerengroep Year Plan 2022 is here! We are proud to announce that topic that we will be working on in the coming year is (Un)Framing Farmers. This year’s theme for Boerengroep addresses a neglected bottleneck for achieving change in our society: the way we actively and passively frame farmers and farming systems. It is … Meer lezen