Breaking Down the Nitrogen Crisis by Madelon van den Hoek Ostende What is the nitrogen crisis? When it comes to current issues that occupy Dutch politics, there seems to be one issue that is drawing the most attention, which is the nitrogen crisis. The nitrogen crisis has occupied the minds of politicians, farmers, and citizens … Meer lezen

Dear Dairy..

14-03-2023 Mirte van den Bos Scope 1 tot 3, natura2000, stikstofverbindingen, depositie, PAS. Het is tweede kerstdag, ik zit op een boerderij met een omgekeerde vlag. We vieren het dit jaar bij een familie waarvan de man al jaren boer is. Hij heeft een stal met koeien en een grote boerderij in het noorden. Het … Meer lezen

Elske Hageraats: Wat hebben we over voor de biokrat?

Elske Hageraats, boerin bij De Ommuurde Tuin, heeft een systeem van solidariteitsbetaling opgezet op de kleinschalige CSA De Ommuurde Tuin. Daarover is onlangs een artikel in NRC verschenen, wat nu achter een betaalmuur verdwenen is. Lees het artikel hier:   Geïnteresseerd om mee te praten over Eerlijk Loon voor boeren en boerinnen? Kom dan naar … Meer lezen

Impact of collaboration in Wageningen University and Research: new report by RUW

RUW and Otherwise organized several events and a research last year about the Impact of Collaboration. RUW has now released a report with the results of these activities. In it, they also make recommendations based on what people found important, and this with regard to Transparency, Decision Making (process and kind of companies for collaboration), … Meer lezen

About palm oil

written by Romy van der Made You might have heard of it, you might have not. In the Netherlands, we consume at least 136,000 tons of it each year. That is about 8 kilos per person. It is one of the most used vegetable oils in the world. And last but not least, it is … Meer lezen

Reflection on a BG Internship during COVID-19

The days are long, but the internship is short. While the pandemic has already skewed my sense of time and sense of self, I can say with certainty that my internship with Boerengroep flew by! I started in the fall of 2020 as a floater with vague ideas about saving the world through food. Fellow … Meer lezen

Junk Agroecology – new report by TNI and Friends of the Earth

Friends of The Earth International, Transnational Institute and Crocevia published a new report: ‘Junk Agroecology’: The corporate capture of agroecology for a partial ecological transition without social justice’ Download here: Give it a read and let’s discuss.  

Publication YOUR LAND, MY LAND, OUR LAND by Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Movement

“Today the Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Movement in Europe and Central Asia (Nyéléni ECA) launches a practical tool to support and strengthen land struggles for small and medium-scale food producers and local communities. Land access issues, long since recognised in international and institutional spaces, are even more urgent in the current context: both due to the … Meer lezen