Beginning Farmers – let your voice be heard!

Are you: A beginning farmer, with approximately 10 years or less of farm management experience, A first generation farmer who didn’t take over an existing family farm? Then, please consider taking a 20-minute, confidential online survey (available in Dutch or English). In addition, all survey respondents can elect to enter a drawing for a €50 … Meer lezen

civic ecology course

announcement from external organsiation: Civic Ecology: Blending Theory and Practice ~ Online Course Designed for professionals, upper level undergraduates, and graduate students engaged in civic ecology practices, including community gardening, community forestry, oyster restoration, bioswale gardening, invasive species removal, habitat restoration, and other community-based stewardship initiatives that integrate community and ecosystem outcomes. Through the 12-week … Meer lezen

Thesis Topics

Consument aan het roer (Msc thesis of ACT onderwerp) De consumenten coöperatie CC² wil consumenten meer stem geven in het regional aanbod van duurzaam voedsel. Op verzoek van de consumenten coöperatie wordt een onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de toegevoegde waarde van Buys & Ko en draagvlak voor regionalevoedsel strategieën onder consumenten en potentiele consumenten. Daarvoor zoeken … Meer lezen

looking for a research topic?

Are you looking for a topic for you thesis (msc, hbo, small, large) or internship (official internship for your studies or a self-arranged-informal-one just to get workig experience in the field): check out these vacancies at Ecolonie farm in France! Topics: Vegetables: – Seed production, also for others – Effective Microorganisms, EM – Homemade preparations – … Meer lezen