Article in The Guardian: The small Dutch town that wants to shape the future of your food

Students in Droevendaal Food Forest










Around the end of October, a journalist from the Guardian approached Boerengroep to learn more about the critical student movement in Wageningen University. We met with her and as we walked around campus, we talked about the University, and how Boerengroep has been established around 50 years ago as a critical group against the policy of Mansholt that led to an intensification of agriculture. Many mixed family farms had to invest more and expand, which increased their dependency on financial institutions and the agro-industrial complex.

We also went to the Droevendaal food forest, because we think it is a wonderful place to hear the voice of the ones in favor of more nature-inclusive, small-scale farming.

Here you can read the article, for which both Louise Fresco and students active in the Food Forest and in Boerengroep were interviewed.

Sicco Mansholt, picture taken by the Boerengroep’ers of the 1970’s.