17th of January: Biobeurs 2018

Every January, the Dutch national organic fair takes place in Zwolle! Everyone who has something to do with organic agriculture will be there: you can visit stands, there are workshops and lectures to visit. If you have any interest in organic agriculture, this is an event that you can’t miss!
Important note: most activites will be in Dutch. Please check the website https://www.bio-beurs.nl/ for all information and possibilities for non-Dutch speakers.

With Boerengroep, we will go there on the 17th of January. We invite all interested students to come with us. This way, we can travel together with discount traint tickets and we also arranged entrance to the fair at reduced price.
Date: Wednesday, 17th of January
Time: Leave from campus at 11:00; expect to be back around 21:30.
Costs: €7,50 (for the transport and the entrance to the fair)
If you want to join us, please register via the following Google form:
Registration deadline: Monday, 15th of January
Payment details are given when registering.
Please register in time so we can arrange transport.