14 May: Chicken Excursion

Kip 14-5-2016

Its time for EGGS. They are everywhere: in our cookies, cakes, dishes and a nice omelet in the morning. But where do they come from exactly? Join us this Saturday on our one and only Chicken Excursion!

We will visit a ‘Rondeel’ farm, a concept of keeping chickens in a very special way. This concept was developed by the Wageningen University. The other layerpoultry farm is organic, so we can discover the differences in the way the chickens are kept. We will spent around 1.5 hours on each farm, during which the farmer will tell about his practices and reasons. You can find more information about the Rondeel farm here (in Dutch) http://www.rondeeleieren.nl/. ​

We will depart 8:30 in the morning, at the parking place in front of the Radix Building.

Don’t forget to bring your own lunch.

Costs are 6 Eur for students and 10 Eur for non-students (this includes transport to the two farms)

Sign up via the google form