Oct 5: Child Labour Control in Cocoa Production, Ghana – Documentary and Discussion


Boerengroep presents our new intern: Alex Adu Gyamfi, master student of Development and Rural Innovation (MDR). As an agricultural extensionist from Ghana, Alex wants to raise awarenes about child labour in agriculture (cocoa production). “Child labour has been an international concern because it damages, spoils and destroys the future of children. Children are the hope and future of a nation.” Therefore he organized this event with the support of Boerengroep. We will show a short documentary and have a discussion together about the topic. We hope to see you all at the Forum on the 5th of October!

Date: October 5th, 2016
Time: 19:30h
Location: C213, Forum (2nd floor)
Facebook: event

For any questions or remarks, feel free to contact Alex: alex.adu-gyamfi@wur.nl