Workshop Dragon Dreaming with Dr. Felipe Simas

Dragon Dreaming

Dragon Dreaming – how to run outrageously successful projects

Consensual participatory strategic planning for projects and organisations in the field of Ecologically Sustainable Community Economic Development. Inspired in Australia’s aboriginal people, the latest scientific discoveries, Living Systems Theory, and Deep Ecology.


Dragon Dreaming can be defined as an approach to consensual participatory strategic planning for projects and organisations in the field of Ecologically Sustainable Community Economic Development. It enables rapid feedback that builds collective wisdom, and fosters adaptive capacity enabling individuals, groups, enterprises, communities, and government bodies to adjust creatively and positively to situations of rapid and potentially chaotic change.

It serves individuals, organisations and communities, in developing outrageously successful sustainable projects, using the powers liberated from our collective intelligence in such a way, that all participants are able to identify themselves completely with the project. Dragon Dreaming projects serve the wellbeing and flourishing of all life, strengthen the communities of which we are a part, and through personal growth, encourage the discovery that we have potentials greater than we know. During the four project stages of Dreaming, Planning, Doing and Celebration, a playful approach is used in order to access our full collective wisdom. It draws inspiration from Australia’s aboriginal people, the latest scientific discoveries, Living Systems Theory, and Deep Ecology.  The process gives high value to every stakeholder’s deepest visions and motivation, so our collective synergies can unleash their full effect.

A workshop Dragon Dreaming by Dr. Felipe Simas from Brazil, will be hosted in Wageningen by OtherWise, Boerengroep and RSO! This is part of the FEI (Farm Experience Internship) programme, and follows the kick-off event on Monday April 26th.

Open lecture ‘Dragon Dreaming’ by Felipe Simas
Tuesday 26th April, 19:00-22:00 hrs
FORUM C214, Wageningen (note: location changed into Forum)
Entrance: free
Opportunity to register for following workshop

Workshop ‘Dragon Dreaming’ by Felipe Simas
When: Monday May 2nd, 13:30-22:00 hrs
Location: Clock House (Generaal Foulkesweg 37, Wageningen)
Costs: on donation

Potluck dinner: if everyone brings some food to share, we can have a wonderful dinner together

When: Tuesday May 3d, 9:00-13:00 hrs
Location: Clock House (Generaal Foulkesweg 37, Wageningen)
Costs: on donation

In these workshops you will learn the basics of Dragon Dreaming and will practice on the basis of exemplary projects. At the completion of this workshop participants will have:

  1. Learned of the steps and stages for a successful project, and be able to apply this to their own project
  2. Experienced a Dreaming Creation Circle for a Project, and be able to use this to create their own project
  3. Have seen how to build a bridge between the Dreaming Circle and the action plan , through a range of techniques including Participatory Objective and Goal Settling
  4. Experienced the design of a board game (Karabirrdt) for a project, and have some idea on how to use this to create their own participatory design strategy for their project.
  5. Created a Project Support Project to follow up and help them with creating their own project The course will be conducted by Dr. Felipe Simas, lecturer at the Department of Education in Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil. Graduated in Agronomic Engineering and D.Sc. in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, with long term experience in scientific and socio-environmental projects. International Dragon Dreaming trainer since 2011 has provided training and assistance in the application of Dragon Dreaming all over Brazil as well as in other countries.

More information
Online ebook on Dragon Dreaming

Workshopleader Felipe Simas
The course will be conducted by Dr. Felipe Simas, lecturer at the Department of Education in Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil. Graduated in Agronomic Engineering and D.Sc. in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, with long term experience in scientific and socio-environmental projects. International Dragon Dreaming trainer since 2011 has provided training and assistance in the application of Dragon Dreaming all over Brazil as well as in other countries.