November 22: Excursion to Intensive Farms

Have you always wanted to see how intensive farming in The Netherlands looks like? On Saturday the 22th of November you can see three intensive ways of farming!

We will gather at 08.30h at Radix/Forum and then travel to the broiler breeder farm in Wamel. This farmer takes care of 38.000 Ross 308 birds housed in 3 barns. Thereafter we will visit a pig breeding farm in Mariahout. Here 850 sows and 350 sows in rearing. Each month 2800 piglets are sold. We will end the day by visiting a rosé veal calves farm in Ochten with one star from the ‘Beter-Leven’ label (animal welfare measures taken). We hope to be back in Wageningen around 17.00h.

When: 22th November
Time: 8.30-17.00
Where: assembling at Forum Building
Costs: €5,-

Only 15 places are available, so subscribe quick! (full=full)