Farm Excursion Series

The cows are outside. What about you?
These excursions will bring you just what you need: a fresh nose, inspiration to support innovative farmers with your (future) research work, or maybe become one yourself….?
  • Wednesday June 5: Grote Voort Lunteren and Ecofields, 13-18h, costs €5
    Innovative alternative Dairy farm and Cheesemakers – Organic calf producer and local slaughter
  • Tuesday June 11: Rondeel Barneveld, 9-13h, costs €5
    Innovative and modern chicken farm, developed together with scientists
  • Saturday June 15: Foodforest Ketelbos near Nijmegen, 12-16h, costs €5
    Permaculture farm run by former Friends of the Earth/Milieudefensie campaigner
  • Saturday June 22: Farm Excursion Series: Hemmen, 10:30-17h, read more
    Three co-operating organic farms near Wageningen: arable, dairy, and horticulture

Costs of €5 per excursion include coffee/tea and transport. Sign up, preferably one week before the excursion(s) of your choice, via