Lunch Lecture Series: “Who is responsible for a Sustainable Food system?”

In stead of our weekly coffee moments in the Thursday mornings, we organize lunch lectures on the 6th, 20th, 27th of November and the 4th of December. The theme of the serie is “Who is responsible for a Sustainable food system?”
The invited speakers are:
6th Nov: Inno Kock (Lazuur,
about: Consumers responsibility
Forum: C104

13th Nov: Bernadette Backer, Kardoen (
about: Retailers’ responsibility and local is the solution
Forum: C103

20th Nov: Miriam van Bree, Bionext (
about: Let’s organize the collaboration of the chain
Forum: C104

27th Nov: Maria Alice (WUR)
about: Is certification the solution?
Forum: C106

4th Dec: Allard ten Dam (De Nieuwe Band,
about: We need fair organic wholesalers!
Forum: C103

Time: 12.30-13.15
Where: Forum Building