May 12: Movie: The little war of farmer Kok

farmer KokWe start with the movie The Little War of Farmer Kok (73 min., English subtitles).
Farmer Kok and his two sons run a biological farm, close to the town of Amersfoort. They have to fight the town, which wants their land, and the national bureaucracy, which wants them to comply to rules they consider unreasonable. The impact of this struggle on their family-life is substantial.

The movie is followed by a discussion, with director Huib Schoonhoven and sociologists Frank Verhoeven (Boerenverstand Consultancy) and Marian Stuiver (WUR).

When: Monday May 12, 20h
Where: Art Cinema Movie W, wilhelminaweg 3A, Wageningen
Costs: Free
This evening is organized together with Studium Generale. It is part of the series ‘famers in trouble’