Soybean production in Latin America: Can we return?

Soybean production in Latin America: Can we return?

Lecture and discussion evening

21 Sept, 19.30 – 22.00. Leeuwenborch, C62 (Hollandseweg 1, Wageningen).

Language: English. Subscription: Not needed

The production of meat has increased dramatically in the past decades. Meat production today is an intensive industry taking animal feed from all over the world. Soy is one of the most important animal feed. It is produced intensively in South America and exported to Europe to provide the intensive animal husbandry with feed for our meat consumption.

De Boerengroep is organising a lecture and discussion evening about the large scale of soy production. This intensive soy production has negative consequences like land grabbing, deforestation and poisoning in South America. Tjerk Dalhuisen (Gifsoja) will tell about this. Subsequently, the documentary ‘Killing Fields’ will be shown. Flip Vonk (Aseed) will tell about the imports of animal feed and in this way explain the relation between soy production in the South and intensive animal husbandry in meat consumption in the West.

Afterwards, we will discuss the possibilities which might help to stop this way of large scale soy production. Ideas of what we could do as a country, as a farmer or as an individual are welcome. Join us!