April 12: ‘Spring Excursion: Dutch small scale farming’


lente excursieSince it is One World Week in Wageningen, and spring is coming, there will be a Spring excursion to Dutch small scale farms! On Saturday the 12th of April we will visit an organic laying hens farm in Voorthuizen with 6000 laying hens, which is relatively small. This farmer was inspired for a new stable by the project about “Houden van hennen” from Wageningen, and more special about this farm is that they keep the roasters (which are normally killed at day one) with the laying hens. Next we will visit a bio-dynamic dairy farm in Halle where they have ‘family herds’, where house the cows and calves together for 2-3 months after birth.  We will end the day at a sheep shepherd in Ede. Finally, those who want to can join the optional walk along the heathland! We will leave at 08.45h at Forum (at the entrance near Radix) and be back around 17.15h. The participation price is only 5 euro. If you can bring a car, you will get 5 euro discount (and thus can join for free!) and return of fuel costs!

For subscription please send an email to st.boerengroep@wur.nl