The future of agriculture; myths, facts and moving beyond

GRS future agriculture myths facts and moving beyondOne-liners are bombarding the discussion on the future of agriculture and food production: ‘If you love the environment you should produce conventional food?’ … ‘Industrial agriculture is the only way to feed the world’
But are the choices we face really that simple? In this Grassroots Science evening we take a broader look. What exactly are the productivity differences between industrial and local, organic or slow food systems? Where is the food actually going to? What repercussions does each system have besides production? And how can we move forward? Join our evening and discuss with us…
Speakers are:
1. Josef Keulartz (emeritus professor environmental philosophy)
2. Tomek Ponti (consultant on sustainable agriculture)
3. Jacques van Nederpelt (platform ABC, author of  ‘8 myths in food and agriculture’)
4. Jan Diek van Mansvelt (Down to Earth, emeritus professor WUR, co-founder Louis Bolk Institute and former director IFOAM)
Place: Wageningen, Forum, C217
Date & time: 20 nov, 20.00
Costs: Free