25-29 August Summer WWOOF Week II


After a big success with the first summer WWOOF week, we decided to organise a second week this summer! This time with even more farms and gardens in the Netherlands.

What is WWOOF?

WWOOF is a cultural exchange at a sustainable farm or garden, in which the sharing of life and culture are central. In order to truly experience the life of a farmer or gardener, you live and eat together with your host and you share knowledge and skills. You can go WWOOFing in almost every country in the world; and – yes – also in the Netherlands ๐Ÿ™‚ Did you know that we have 45 WWOOF farms and gardens in the Netherlands?!

How does Boerengroep WWOOF work?

1. Have a look at our website to see which farm/garden you’d like to go to.
2. Sign up for the WWOOF week: send a mail to st.boerengroep@wur.nl and mention your preference (if you have)
3. We meet all together for a coffee and you meet the group of 2-8 people who are going to the same garden or farm. We exchange contact info and one person of the group contacts the farmer
4. It’s time for WWOOFing! ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy the real life on a farm or garden in the Netherlands, work along, learn, share. The host will provide food and accommodation.
5. Optional: you can write a short story about your experiences, add some pictures and send it to Boerengroep. We’ll post it at the website and we’ll publish your story at Toekomstboeren (Future Farmers) site!
Moreover, if you like the concept of WWOOFing, you can chose to become a member to support the WWOOF foundation and get full access to all farms! You can subscribe for WWOOF Nederland, or find a WWOOF organization in another country where youโ€™d like to work on farms.

Have a wonderful summer!

When: Tuesday 25 – Saturday 29 August
Costs: free (except for travelling costs)
Sign up: st.boerengroep@wur.nl

Participating Farms and Gardens WWOOF Week 25 – 29 August:


BelleMarie is a beautiful bio dynamic farm of 17hectares. Here, they grow over 40 species of herbs in a bio dynamic way, they keep cattle and grow grass and grains for the animals. In this way, the farm tries to keepย the nutrient cycle as closed as possible. Volunteers will help with harvesting herbs and other garden tasks – major amounts of basil are expected in August.

The farm can host 5 volunteers who will bring their own tents. BelleMarie is in Ruinerwold, 120 km North from Wageningen.



Boerderij Buitenverwachting

Buitenverwachting (literally “Outside Expectations”) is a relatively small but very multifunctional organic farm with 40 dairy cows (Holsteins and Blaarkoppen), sheep, pigs, chickens and a vegetable garden. They have their own shop and run a milk vending machine.

There is a guest house which can accommodate up to 8 people. The farm is near Leiden, well accessible with public transport.
