Febr 22: the 15th Garden project, Syria

The 15th Garden final poster

On Thursday, 22nd of February, Boerengroep is honored to introduce Ansar Hevi. She will share her remarkable story about ‘the 15th Garden’ project in Syria. This project has as goal to get food and seeds to those trapped in cities in Syria, while also raising awareness about the need for food sovereignty. Her story will emphasize on the importance of local agriculture, the need for food sovereignty, and the strength of people in times of war.

dr. ir. Joost Jongerden (Rural Sociology Group, WUR)  will give a short reflection what we can learn from this story. His research interests are socio-spatial and socio-political analysis, with a strong focus on rural development and the ways in which people try to develop forms of autonomy and self-administration, from peasant struggles to insurgencies.

This evening lecture is open for everyone (also non-students)

Background info: Agriculture and Food Sovereignty in Syria, 2017

Lecture “the 15th Garden Project” Syria

Thursday 22nd February
19:30, room C222, Forum Building, Wageningen.

Reclaim the Seeds Market, Rotterdam

Saturday 24th February