16&23 September: Bike excursions



This September, Boerengroep is organising two bike excursions. We will visit two local, organic producers who sell their products directly to consumers. Join these excursions to get to know their products while exploring the beautiful surroundings of Wageningen!

16 September: Veld & Beek

Koe veld en beek
Veld & Beek is an innovative organic farm, producing vegetables, dairy, meat and eggs. We will learn all about their new ideas during a tour around the farm. We will cycle through the forests around Wageningen, as the farm itself is situated in Doorwerth. We will have a picknick at the farm before cycling back.
Check out their website for more information: https://www.veldenbeek.nl/

When: 16th of September
Time: We will leave together at 10:00 from in front of the Forum building. We will be back after 14:00.
Costs: €2, to pay in cash before we leave from Forum. This helps us to give a small compensation to the farmer. You can bring some extra change if you want to buy farm products directly.
Bring some lunch for the picknick.

Register for this excursion here

23 September: Tuinderij de Stroom

logo de stroomTuinderij de Stroom is an organic vegetable garden, growing a high variety of products to fill a weekly vegetable bag for their customers – also available for students via the Green office. We wil get a tour around the garden and an explanation about their vegetable bag system. After the tour, we can have a picknick together before cycling back! We will have to go by the scenic small ferry over the Rhine, which brings us into the Betuwe: the fruit area of the Netherlands. For more information about the farm: http://www.degroenekring.nl/stroom/news.php

When: 23rd of September
Time: We will leave together at 10:00 from in front of the Forum building. We will be back after 14:00.
Costs: €2, to pay in cash when we leave from Forum. This helps us to give a small compensation to the farmer. Bring some extra change for the ferry.
Bring some lunch for the picknick.

Register for this excursion here