21 oktober-1 November: Indian experts on medicinal plants visiting the Netherlands

Between 21 October and 1st of November 2014 a group of Indian experts on the use reduction of antibiotic use in dairy farming will be visiting the Netherlands. This includes veterinarians, herbal plant experts, the president of the Kerala Vetyerinary Association, as well as the director Animal Health of the Karnataka Milk Federation in Bangalore – India’s second largest dairy cooperative with 2.5 million members.

The program includes several events during the visit of the Indian experts that are open for interested people:

1. Thursday October 23, 2014: Symposium at Provinciehuis Zwolle – between 10.00 and 16.00. Entry free. Theme: Cows and Herbs: outcome of India-Netherlands collaboration towards the reduction of antibiotics in dairy farming’ (Koeien en Kruiden: uitkomst van India-Nederland samenwerking rond terugdringen antibioticagebruik in melkveehouderij) Language: English/Netherlands. Aimed at all actors in the dairy sector: Farmers, veterinarians, companies, dairy factories, students. Organized by Dutch Farm Experience, NVF and VKON, supported by Agro&Food program of Province Overijssel. Register here for symposium on 23rd October

2. Friday October 24, 2014: This day at the farm and on the boat: ‘Antibiotics, Biodiversity and Cow Health’ between 10.00 and 16.00. Entry free. Location: Harbor Akkrum, and Farm Miedema Natuurlijk, Haskerdyke, Friesland. Organized by Dutch Farm Experience together with Miedema Natuurlijk, NVLV (Netwerk Vitale Landbouw en Voeding) and KenyFan’e Greide. Language: Dutch. Register here for the farm-day on 24th October

3. Monday October 27, 2014: Meeting of NVF working group Dier en Kruid at RIKILT, Wageningen. Between 17.00 and 20.30. Entry free. Includes Indian dinner. Register: at NVF Dier en Kruid – by sending a message to maria.groot@wur.nl

4. Saturday 1 November, 2014: Workshop Milk Quality at Stake! Solutions from Ethiopia, India and the Netherlands for the Reduction of Antibiotics in dairy farming. At Africa Day, KIT Amsterdam. Aimed at all actors working on sustainable food production, food quality and food marketing in Africa, taking the dairy chain as an example. Time: 14.30 at the Library. Entre fee: 12,50 (for Africa Day). Register here at site of Africa Day (please note that you have to register both at the Africa day and the workshop.

More info: click here