15th of June: Young farmers & WUR students meeting


How do young farmers see the future?
Find out at our Young Farmers & WUR students meeting, the 15th of June in Café Vreemde Streken!

Practical info:
When: Thursday 15th of June, 19:30 – 21:30
Where: Café Vreemde Streken, Bevrijdingsstraat 38, 6703 AA Wageningen
Entrance: free!
Organised in cooperation with GAJK (Gelders Agrarisch Jongeren Kontakt)

Many students in Wageningen study agricultural-related questions. For example how our food system should look like in the future. However, WUR students themselves will not necessarily be be farming in the future. What do young farmers actually think about such questions? Or are they concerned with completely different problems?

During this evening, young farmers and WUR students are invited to meet and talk. What are their visions, how do these visions correspond, and how can we help each other to reach our goals? This is a unique opportunity to share ideas and learn from each other.

The program will start at 20h00, but you’re welcome to have a coffee or tea from 19h30. At 21h30, the evening will be closed but we can stay for a drink in the café.

Do you have any further questions? Or are you a young farmer yourself who would like to come? Please contact Sanne van Leeuwen: sanne.vanleeuwen@wur.nl