7nd of December final event on Ghanaian Agriculture!


Ghana 7 dec narrow casting


On the 7th of December Boerengroep organises the final event of the series on Ghanaian agriculture. During this event there will be presentations about the state of agriculture in Ghana, the recent implementation of Agroecological policies, and the Challenges of Women in Agriculture in Ghana. Both the presenters have been working for local governments of Ghana for many years and are therefore very much aware of challenges and options for Ghanaian agriculture.

Furthermore, we will facilitate lively discussions amongst the audience and our three experts: Ivy Jones, Daniel Nyarko and Kees van Veluw!

To celebrate this succesful series, we will end the evening with a Ghanaian snacks bar and Ghanaian dancing music

During these events, there is space for active participation and sharing your own opinion. For example, there will be discussion in small groups on possible solutions. These solutions will be brought to local authorities in Ghana. So, your participation can make a real difference!

In order to have a sustainable environment, there is the need for harmless land use activities. Also, to progress on equality of gender in agriculture, solutions are needed for the challenges that women are facing in agriculture now. Therefore, Boerengroep organises three events:
2nd of November: Illegal mining and sand winning on farm lands (Forum C413)
16th of November: Experiences of Kees van Veluw (FSE chairgroup) in Ghana (Forum C413)
7th of December: Challenges for Women in Agriculture (The Spot, Orion)