Boerengroep 50 years Poster Design Contest



In 2021, Stichting Boerengroep and Stichting Inspringtheater are turning 50! We have plenty of fun activities and interesting events planned for this festive year, such as discussion evenings about different topics such as peasant farming, an exposition about Dutch agriculture in the past 50 years and a big festival! But… we are still searching for an appropriate “look”. And therefore, we need your creative hand! Design a poster to promote our anniversary and a fitting logo, and win a Boerengroep goodie bag, including one of our own T-shirts, books and seeds! All participants get a prize. The winning design will of course appear all over Wageningen for the coming year!




  • we prefer the poster to have a 1970’s look, but other styles will also be considered!
  • the poster must be a A3 format
  • deadline = June 8th, 2020

How does it work?

If you are interested to get designing, send us a message either through the Stichting Boerengroep – Farmers Foundation Facebook page or to . Then you will get access to a google drive folder that contains older Boerengroep posters (most of them from the last decade) for inspiration and the Boerengroep logo’s. If you need more material to work with, let us know!

What is Stichting Boerengroep?

Stichting Boerengroep (Peasant Foundation) is a student foundation at Wageningen University that aims to connect the university (students, research, education) with the reality and challenges of farmers in the Netherlands and worldwide. In this way we fight for social, just and sustainable food production. We do this by bringing students into the fields and farmers into lecture rooms at the university.