Team 2023


I’m an Italian exchange student, and I’m 26 years old. In February, I left the Venice lagoon, where I’m pursuing a master’s degree in Environmental Humanities, to spend my final semester abroad. Once I arrived in Wageningen, I realized that it was the perfect place to gain new insights and inspiration about the fascinating world of food and agroecology.

I was born and raised in a small town in Italy, surrounded by arable fields with the Alps on the horizon. When I need to recharge my batteries, there is nothing better than hiking, walking in the woods, or… weeding!

My first encounter with the agricultural world was tough as I volunteered to support migrant fruit pickers who work in large orchards around my hometown. That experience opened my eyes to the reality of conventional farming as a harmful practice for the environment and an unjust system for workers.

That awareness pushed me to dive into agriculture, and I found out more and more about alternative and more sustainable ways of growing food.

Since then, I’ve been attempting to combine my interest in social phenomena with environmental and agricultural issues, and I believe that FEI offers the best opportunity to do so. I’m looking forward to this edition to learn and connect with farmers, scholars, and all the passionate individuals who will be joining us at the FEI.

grow together.



Hi there!


I am Philipp, a Master’s student of Organic Agriculture with the specialization of Agroecology. When I chose my studies, I realized that I had no idea of where our everyday food comes from or how it is produced. I soon discovered that there is a pressing emergency related to our land use and the way we farm. I gained firsthand experiences on organic farms in Europe by WOOFing during my Bachelor degree, and happily engage in discourses on how we treat the Earth, or rather should treat it. I am passionate about all things regenerative and sustainable agriculture, and hope to contribute to a positive change within agricultural systems in my later career.


Hi dear friend! My name is Estève, a French vibrant wanderer and learner of life’s simple beautiful moments and sensory experiences. I feel a strong connection with my intuition and I always directed myself towards things that fascinate me the most such as life interconnections and how to live in better harmony with ourselves and what surrounds us. While I was studying a bachelor in Biology/Ecology in Bretagne, I took a gap year to travel in New Zealand, where I discovered how agroecology, community living, and contemplation is a way to live more aligned and peacefully.

With the intention of learning ecological ways of answering our needs and growing personally, I started the Master in Organic Agriculture in Wageningen University, in which I have learned what are the diverse realities of existing food systems, what common dreams are shared towards more resilient farming, and what is our role in this complexity. Being an intern in Boerengroep for organizing the FEI is a great opportunity for me to understand how to combine transformative education with the numerous dimensions of agroecology, through the sharing of practical, theoretical and personal knowledge!

I am grateful for being part of this journey, and to know that we will share it together!
Joyful to meet you very soon.



Ciao everyone, I’m Irene, the new coordinator of Boerengroep!

I consider myself a Network weaver, having studied networks through my MSc thesis where I researched the ability of farmer-led youth organizations in Italy, France, and The Netherlands to set the stage for transformative agroecology through cooperation among each other and their national mother organization.

By appreciating the value of each viewpoint while ensuring transparency, interdisciplinary, openness to innovation, and social differentiation, my passion and determination to promote sustainable food systems can help to maintain the current network of farmers, students, interest groups, and educational institutions. By joining the FEI, I will be able to continue sowing the seeds of hope for sustainable practices and the cultural renewal that the young people require to push for narratives that aim to sustain the world, strengthen marginalized communities, and enable innovations like agroecology to be scaled up and established as a way of life. These seeds of optimism are beginning to sprout, and the harvest is becoming closer than ever.

Become a part of our experience!

Join us on this adventure to regenerate your perspective on food systems!



Hi! My name is Rosh, I am 22 years old and I am studying international development management at van Hall Larenstein. What sparked my interest to be a part of the FEI was my passion for bringing agricultural topics and sustainable farming practices closer to people, as well as combining it with my other passion, which is visual learning and theatre. This was in part also fostered through my internship and me being an active member of Boerengroep.