Excursion to the Beersche Hoeve

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Date(s) - 09/10/2021
10:00 - 15:00

Gather in front of Radix


Please sign the form if you want to join, as we will be going by car: https://forms.gle/BEFxs8HA3g15Xmb98
When? 9th of October from 10:00 – 18:00
We meet in front of Radix and we go by car!
Join us for an excursion to the Beersche Hoeve, a biodynamic farm. The Beersche Hoeve is specialized in breeding open pollinated seeds. The farmer will give us a tour and explain the vision of the farm, after which we will get our hands dirty and help with the bean harvest. It will be an active, well-rounded day and we will definitely come back inspired.
For more information on the farm: https://www.debeerschehoeve.nl/index.php?language=uk
Soup will be provided during the lunch break!
To compensate for fuel, we ask for a contribution of 7 euros for this excursion.