Spring Excursions 2018

Poster Spring Excursions for website
Spring officially started and the first flowers are popping up, excellent start thinking about going outside again and joining our spring excursions.

In April we’ll have 3 Spring excursions: the first will be on the 7th of April and will be to the Brandrood cattle farm in Ede, the second will be on the 14th of April and will go to ‘t Klaverbrook, dairy farm of a Wageningen student who loves to show you his place and the third will be on the 21st of April to the goat farm de Groote Stroe in Stroe.

Join us, subscribe now!

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March 27: Wageningen Dialogue – Cutting across the silos

bridging silos











With your fellow students you share the canteen for lunch, practise sports, and enjoy the vibrant student life of Wageningen. But do you know what these other students are up to the majority of their time? What do they learn during all those hours of studying? What is their perspective on global developmental issues? How do they face development challenges for sustainable food systems?

To help you find out, we from Boerengroep organize a world-cafe event: the Wageningen Dialogue ‘’Cutting across the silos’’.

27th of March
19:15 – 22:00
The Pavilion – 100 years location (Wageningen campus)
Organised by Boerengroep, in cooperation with Wageningen Dialogues

At every table you are encouraged to reflect upon real-life food systems challenges together with others.  Only together we can give shape to sustainable food systems!

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24th of February: Excursion to “Reclaim the Seeds” festival in Rotterdam

reclaimJoin our excursion to the Reclaim the Seeds & Urban Agriculture Festival 2018 in Rotterdam!

This seed fair is all about celebration of crop diversity and food sovereignty, in defiance of the monopolies that big companies hold on these precious sources of life. You can buy seeds, bring your own seeds and swap them, or just come to explore the many stands from small scale organic companies, NGO’s and organizations.

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 Stichting Het Inspringtheater and Shadow Liberation join forces to present a mini-series of community Shadow Theatre workshops exploring the theme of sustainability. You may come for all the sessions, or just drop in for one. No prior theatre experience is required. Sessions will be conducted in English, though shadows speak louder than words.
You can sign in, mail to st.inspringtheater@wur.nl

17th of January: Biobeurs 2018

Every January, the Dutch national organic fair takes place in Zwolle! Everyone who has something to do with organic agriculture will be there: you can visit stands, there are workshops and lectures to visit. If you have any interest in organic agriculture, this is an event that you can’t miss!
Important note: most activites will be in Dutch. Please check the website https://www.bio-beurs.nl/ for all information and possibilities for non-Dutch speakers.

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17th of December: Midwinter excursion to Ommuurde Tuin


For thousands of years, people have been coming together at this moment of year to celebrate MidWinter, or Winter Solstice – the time of year when we pass the shortest day and the longest night. Join Boerengroep and WSF on the 17th of December to this ancient celebration of MidWinter in the historical garden “De Ommuurde Tuin”, a CSA organic garden in Renkum (close to Wageningen).

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7nd of December final event on Ghanaian Agriculture!


Ghana 7 dec narrow casting


On the 7th of December Boerengroep organises the final event of the series on Ghanaian agriculture. During this event there will be presentations about the state of agriculture in Ghana, the recent implementation of Agroecological policies, and the Challenges of Women in Agriculture in Ghana. Both the presenters have been working for local governments of Ghana for many years and are therefore very much aware of challenges and options for Ghanaian agriculture.

Furthermore, we will facilitate lively discussions amongst the audience and our three experts: Ivy Jones, Daniel Nyarko and Kees van Veluw!

To celebrate this succesful series, we will end the evening with a Ghanaian snacks bar and Ghanaian dancing music

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