18th June: Agroecology Evening

agroecology poster


After an exciting lecture series of Studium Generale, debates whether we need farmers or not, it is time for the next step! Hanny van Geel (La Via Campesina) will explain us all about agroecology as a practice and a movement.

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7-12 July: The Summer WWOOF Week


Boerengroep goes WWOOFing this summer! We have selected interesting gardens and farms in the Netherlands for you for a nice week in the summer together!

You can sign up alone or with a friend and choose a farm of your preference from the list below. Send an email to st.boerengroep@wur.nl before July 1st. Don’t wait too long, because the number of places is limited.

What is WWOOF?

WWOOF is a cultural exchange at a sustainable farm or garden, in which the sharing of life and culture are central. In order to truly experience the life of a farmer or gardener, you live and eat together with your host and you share knowledge and skills.

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NEW: Farmers’ Tales – a place to meet up, share, discuss, organize!

Every Thursday, from 12:30 – 13:15 you are welcome to join Farmers’ Tales, an informal place to meet up for a coffee or tea with other students, PhD’ers, researchers, farmers and anyone else interested in topics like agroecology, starting up a farm, nutrient cycles, land grabbing, TTIP, the political side of food, food chains and much … Read more

April 23: Food Chains documentary & debate

Food chains documentary & debate

Do you shop at Albert Heijn? Supermarkets have tremendous power over the agricultural system. Over the past 3 decades they have drained revenue from their supply chain leaving farmworkers in poverty and forced to work under subhuman conditions. Yet many take no responsibility for this. The movie ‘Food chains’ documents the fight of Florida farmworkers through their ingenious Fair Food Program.

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April 15: Debate: Gevolgen van TTIP voor de Nederlandse boer en het klimaat

Bij gesprekken over het vrijhandelsakkoord TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) tussen de VS en de EU lopen de gemoederen snel hoog op. Zorgt TTIP voor meer welvaart en banen aal beide kanten van de oceaan, of juist voor een uitholling van milieu- en voedselveiligheidstandaards en de sluiting van Europese familiebedrijven?   Vormt TTIP een … Read more

March 27-28-29: Bodembevrijdingsfestival

Fysiek bodembevrijdingsfeest & begin aanleg eetbaar bos op ecodorp Ppauw, Scheidingslaan 1 Wageningen. Entree: verplichte donatie of je kunt je opgeven als vrijwilliger. Het volledige programma van het bodembevrijdingsfestival is hier te vinden.  

maart 19, 20: Bodem Anders

Bodem Anders komt voort uit de Voedsel Anders/ Food Otherwise beweging en wordt georganiseerd in het kader van het Jaar van de Bodem 2015  d 19 maart: Veld dag! Inspirerende excursies en uitwisseling langs innovatieve boeren en compostbedrijf. De Veld dag wordt mede georganiseerd door Van Iersel compost en Bij de Duinboeren , een club … Read more

March 26: Economic Partnership Agreements between the EU and Africa – who benefits?

The EU is currently negotiating “Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)” with various African states. These agreements have the goal to stimulate trade between the regions and thus promote economic prosperity. The idea is that African countries open up their markets to European imports, and receive customs-free access to the European market in exchange. However, the question … Read more