April 15-22 Permaculture Trip to England

From 15-22th of April we organize a permaculture trip to England. We will visit different permaculture initiatives, from urban to rural, which are managed individually or collectively and are focused on education or economic purposes! Date: April 15-22 Price: €200,- (including traveling, accomodation, food and visits) REstrictions: you should be a student or Phd candidate … Read more

March 21: Feed&Farm excursion

This time we will go to Coppens Feed company in the South of the Netherlands. They make feed for pigs and poultry. We will get a tour and will have an interactive discussion with them.  Besides we will go to a slow growing and a fast growing broiler farm. Pictures can be found here Date: Saterday 21th of March … Read more

Maart 18: Lezing: “Koeien eten gras!”

Steeds meer koeien zien geen vers gras meer. Vers gras wordt vervangen door soja, granen en mais. Kuilvoer krijgen de koeien nog wel. Tijdens deze lezing willen we de positieve eigenschappen van gras benadrukken. Is het mogelijk koeien enkel gras, hooi (en kuil) te geven zonder desastreuze financiële gevolgen? Frens Schuring (Adviseur kringlooplandbouw) zal de … Read more

March 4: Lecture Permaculture

This lecture will be given by permaculture expert Taco Blom. He has a 4.2ha Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) garden on which he produces veggies for 500 mouths for almost the year round! The garden is fully based on permaculture principles. Do you want to know how he does this? Join the lecture Date: 4th of … Read more

Lunch debat serie: Provinciale verkiezing 2015

Op 18 maart vinden de provinciale verkiezingen plaats. Weet jij al op wie je stemt? Wij nodigen in drie lunchmomenten de verschillende te kiezen partijen uit om te vertellen over hun partij programma met speciale aandacht voor de landbouw en natuur. Kom, luister en vraag raak op  d 26 februari: VVD: Bastiaan Meerburg (zie hier het verkiezingsprogramma) … Read more

March 23-31: Exchange to Romania ‘Supermarket vs local producer = social development?’

A farmers organization from Romania organizes a youth mobility entitled supermarket vs local producer = social development? 35 young participants from 5 EU countries (Hungary, UK, France, the Netherlands and Romania) will analyse and find solutions to the growing problems related to non-sustainable food consumption trends in our societies. Besides they will analyse the social … Read more

February 19: Future Farmers and their market!

  This event is part of Grassroots Science and the debat serie: ‘It’s the Food, my friend’ The food market is strongly moving. Some supermarkets are focusing on cheap food or high quality products. Farmers think about direct selling to consumers. The traditional family farmers cannot find a successor, while most high educated young entrepreneurs start with … Read more

Stichting Boerengroep zoekt coördinator (parttime, 18uur)

Organiseer activiteiten die een kritische houding stimuleren onder studenten, burgers, boeren en beleidsmakers en zet gezonde en sociale landbouw op de kaart. Stichting Boerengroep slaat de brug tussen landbouwpraktijk en landbouwtheorie, en organiseert o.a. excursies, discussies, lezingen en cursussen. Per 1 mei 2015 komt de functie coördinator vrij. Pak je kans, reageer op de Vacature!  … Read more

Course Beekeeping for beginners

Have you always wanted to learn how to keep bees? Than this is your chance! The Wageningen Bee Team organizes together with Foundation Boerengroep a course about beekeeping for beginners. The course includes 4 theory lessons + 6 practical lessons. The theory lessons are on Fridays from 20h-22h: 20-2: 1. Biology of the honeybee 27-2: … Read more