FOOD4ALL festival: The World According to Monsanto

Monsanto is the world leader in genetically modified organisms, as well as one of the most controversial corporations in industrial history. This centuryold empire has created some of the most toxic products ever sold, including polychlorinated biphenyls and the herbicide Agent Orange. Based on a   painstaking investigation, The World According to Monsanto puts together the … Read more

FOOD4ALL festival: Regional Market

 On the 12th of October we organize a Regional Farmers’ market & Autumn dinner feast at the kielekampsteeg 32 in Wageningen from 5pm until 9pm. You can buy and get a taste of regional products such as cheese, meat, vegetables, honey and more! Treat your ears with music by the Skip Pickers Inspiring mini-lectures on … Read more

Bike Excursion to The Pondemaat

On the 28th of September, we will visit vegetable garden ‘de Pondemaat’ in ‘t Binnenveld. Hans Schiere, the owner will tell the beautiful story of this garden for one of the last times as they have to close the garden this year. We assemble at 15.30 in front of the forum building and will be … Read more

Eetcafé Live in Wageningen

Ben jij een Kantoor of Knuffelboer? Een Kiloknaller consument of bewuste burger? Dit is de eerste avond van de serie ‘Eetcafé Live’. Deze avond gaan burgers en boeren met elkaar om de keukentafel om te discusseren over het huidige boeren en het huidige consumeren. Daarnaast zullen drie sprekers het onderwerp toelichten. De eerste spreker zal ingaan … Read more

Bestuursleden gezocht

 Stichting boerengroep zoekt nieuwe bestuursleden. De stichting bestaat uit drie coördinatoren en een bestuur van ongeveer 5 personen die eens in de twee weken met elkaar vergadert. Als bestuurslid mede-organiseer je lezingen over de huidige agrarische problematiek en excursies naar interessante boerderijen. Lijkt het je leuk om studenten meer bij het boerenleven te betrekken? Excursies naar boerderijen te organiseren en/of lezingen over huidige agrarische … Read more

FEI Sharing the harvest!

 The Farm Experience Internship, a new course at Wageningen University, was launched this summer, from the 12th until 30th of August. The FEI took root last winter when a small group of students and Wageningen alumni shared their dream to bring closer farmers and University and create an  innovative learning processes. The project is supported … Read more

Meet Us event

The people of the organsations of: Project EAT, Green Office Wageningen,WEP, Mooi Wageningen, Boerengroep, RUW, Otherwise, Vreemde Streken and TT Vallei want to meet you! We start with presentations. Afterwards there will be a speed date dinner. Your dinner will only cost € 4,25! After dinner we will organize some nice workshops, thus Meet Us! Date & Time: … Read more

Strawberry experience

This experience will take place at Ekofarm de Lingehof. You will harvest strawberries on the Saterday you like in August or September from 8.30 till 12.30. In return, you will receive a vegetable bag with strawberries! If you want to join us, sent an email to Boerengroep.