System of Rice Intensification

Deemed impossible by researchers, farmers in many countries are significantly increasing the yields of rice while at the same time using less water and resources. The System of Rice Intensification, first developed in Madagascar, is now practiced by millions of farmers in Africa and Asia, and continues to spread like wildfire. Its principles have been … Read more

Breeding on-the-ground

successful farmer-scientist co-operation Innovation from the field: farmer Niek Vos wanted to develop a potato resistant to Phytophtera. After years of efforts of him and his son, working together a.o. with scientist Edith Lammerts van Bueren they managed: Bionica! Together they went through a number of procedures, and now their product is in the market. … Read more

Make Agroecology work!

Grassroots Science Workshop This workshop is a follow up on the brainstorm session of the day before (Agroecology initiatives and the Netherlands), although you are also welcome if you didn’t manage come to that session. In an interactive manner, working groups will elaborate on existing ideas and initiatives, and ways to strengthen the movement for agroecology. Depending on … Read more

Fruit Tree Nursery Work Experience

Spring is approaching in big leaps and screams for you to get outside. Are you interested in farming and would like to get to know and organic fruit tree nursery? We will visit Floris Natuurlijke Bomen (Floris’ natural trees) near Den Bosch. Floris is a former MOA student. He will show us around his fruit … Read more

Agroecology initiatives and the Netherlands

Grassroots Science Brainstorm Session Always wanted to know what agroecology really is? What it can mean for you? If it can be of any use for the European context? Get inspired by existing agroecology initiatives, that are happening in Brazil, India and just around you. What shape is agroecology to take in the Netherlands? What … Read more

Happy Birthday Wageningen UR

Food4All is the theme of University’s coming anniversary. But how does WageningenUR relate to providing healthy food for all? To raise some discussion about this topic, and to encourage a critical academic attitude towards it, we organise a Loesje poster-creating workshop, and see here some of the results:  


Live examples from Brazil and the Netherlands … … Should answers to health risks and environmental problems in agriculture be sought in technological innovations? Or can solutions maybe be found in a more close cooperation with nature and ecological principles? The agroecological movement is growing worldwide. It is working on answers in agriculture based on … Read more

lezing persoonsgebonden budget

Een nieuw kabinet, nieuwe budgetten. Gaat dat ook voor het Persoonsgebonden budget gelden? Wij hebben iemand uitgenodigd die daar veel over kan vertellen, namelijk Hans van der Knijff (adviseur van Per Saldo, belangenorganisatie voor mensen met een pgb). Je bent welkom te komen luisteren. Neem je vragen mee en je enthousiasme. Deze avond is een … Read more

Droombaan: boer!

Je wilt boer worden maar je hebt geen land….wat nu? Informele avond, i.s.m.  met de BD-jong vereniging, waar toekomstige boeren met ons delen wat zij tegenkomen op hun weg naar het boer zijn. Severijn Velman vertelt ons iets over het werk van Stichting Grondbeheer waar hij bestuurslid van is. Joris van Os maakt ons deel … Read more

Soybeans in Dutch milk?

Did you know that 7% of the diet of a regular Dutch dairy cow consists of soy imported from South America? Soy production is one of the main causes of deforestation in that part of the world. It could be different. It is not necessary for cows to eat soy in order to produce milk, … Read more