Fair Share Dinner

A three course delicious autumn meal prepared by creative cooks with local organic ingredients for €8 Every year around United Nation’s World Food Day (in 2012 this day is on October 16) our collegue NGO Stichting Otherwise organises the Fair Share Dinner. This year the dinner will be held at the Regional Market, on October 13 … Read more

Food for All Festival

Celebrate food and farming in Wageningen, the Netherlands! Food4all is a festival that takes you on a journey through sustainable family farming, agro-ecology and the right to food.The Food4All festival is a critical supplement to the “Food4you festival”. The festival seeks to provide a critical perspective on global food security, and give voice sustainable alternatives. … Read more

Debat imago veehouderij

Wie verprutst het imago van de veehouderij? En wie geeft het een nieuw jasje? FrieslandCampina promoot koeien in de wei om het imago van de melkveehouderij hoog te houden (lees meer). De actiegroep Ongehoord breekt in bij veehouders om in hun stallen illegaal te filmen hoe daar “dierenleed” plaatsvindt (lees meer). De discussie over intensivering van de landbouw wordt … Read more

Feeding the World

a different logic The debate rages on the best way to feed the world’s growing population. Tonight we explore the principles and practices of concepts such as agro-ecology and food sovereignty as a way forward. With Steve Sherwood (co-founder of Groundswell International a.o.), Jan-Douwe van der Ploeg (professor of Rural Sociology at WUR a.o.), Frank … Read more

Regional Market

Food for All! At the Regional Market you can taste local cheese, meat, vegetables, bread, honey, juice, and beer. Did you know that all these products are grown in Wageningen and around? With music, discussion, local producers, farmers and more. The Regional Market is part of Food for All Festival, which addresses social justice and … Read more

Potential of Africa

building on own knowledge and resources Africa has a rich resource base in terms of both human and natural resouces. These are however rarely used for the development of the African continent. Instead biased trade agreements allow for the export of minerals to feed European industries, European subsidised food and processed goods are increasingly dumped in Africa and development interventions focus on the transfer of … Read more

Political Grassroots Dinner

It was never easier to contribute to the Good Food March! Simply join the Political Grassroots Dinner on September 12, and your valuable ideas will be brought to Brussels! Good Food March: This summer, farmers, citizens and young people will bring their demands for the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) directly to the … Read more


Wat stem jij woensdag 12 sept? Nederlandse natuur staat of valt met het kabinet. Het nieuwe Europsese Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid is onder hevige discussies bezig te “vergroenen”. Wat is de inzet van de partijen in om een duurzame landbouw te realiseren? Sit back and relax, en laat je overtuigen door jouw partij tijdens Het Landbouwverkiezingsdebat. Met Rik … Read more

Palmoil in Indonesia

Biodiversity in Indonesia: the pamoil threat – Debate with Peter van der Meer (Alterra) and campaigner Greenpeace Palmoil has been estimated to be found in every one of two supermarket products. It is an ingredient, often labelled as “vegetable oil”, in products ranging from margarine, sweets and chips to soaps and cosmetics. It is also used to … Read more

Theater of the oppressed Spel les

Woensdag 27 juni om half 8 de laatste spelles van dit semester. Susanne Prak gaat met de vaste spelersgroep en nieuwe geintereseerde spelers aan de gang met opwarm oefeningen, spel situaties en vooral veel spel plezier. Nieuwsgierig aarzel niet en kom langs. Meer informatie?  Stuur een mail naar het st.inspringtheater@wur.nl . Inspringtheater spelles 19.30 -22.00 Gen. Foulkesweg 37