Water Justice!

part of Grassroots Science Based on their experiences of the world water forum 2012 and the alternative world water forum 2012, both held in Marseille, Rossella, Giacomo and Sara, will present the narratives and discourses  that dominate thinking about water and promising counter narratives. Rutgerd Boelens, Associate Professor irrigation and water management and Visiting Professor … Read more


Contemporary politics, indegenous people, and environment in Bolivia Ricardo Calla, antropologist and former Minister of Peasant and Indigenous Affairs in Bolivia, has a long history of working with indigenous people in the Andes.  In Bolivia, indigenous people form a majority of the population and therefore, possess significant political power. However, economic power is in the … Read more


oorzaken en gevolgen In Duitsland en Nederland is een nieuw virus aangetroffen dat is vernoemd naar de Duitse plaats Schmallenberg, waar het virus in november onder runderen werd aangetroffen. Het Schmallenbergvirus kan ziekte veroorzaken bij zowel koeien als schapenlammeren zo is gebleken. In augustus en september van dit jaar heeft de Gezondheidsdienst voor Dieren (GD) … Read more


Agroecology as a science, movement and a practice: can it feed the world? Irene Cardoso, Vice president of the Brazilian Agroecology Association (ABA), Soil Scientist at The Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), and Coordinator of the Center for Alternative Technology of Zona da Mata (CTA-ZM) In this lecture Irene Cardoso will discuss some questions that … Read more

Capita Selecta Grassroots Science

As a student you can follow Grassroots Sciences as a capita selecta. You attend at least five lecture of the series, read provided literature, and write an essay. The course outline can be found here. Deadline for registration is February 29. Schedle of Lectures*: Monday February 13 – Agroecology as a science, movement and a practice: … Read more

Transforming our global food system

We are honoured to have organized a last minute event on Thursday 15 December 2011 with the world renowned speaker, Eric Holt-Gimenez. The title of this event is “transforming our global food system” and is the first of the new monthly series organised by OtherWise and Boerengroep “Grassroots science: sustainable alternatives from the field”. Eric Holt … Read more

Food,Farmers&Forks Rainbow Dinner

Join us for an evening of deliciously colorful food, delightful conversation and a film.  Please bring a dish of a specific color. (remember to bring your own plate & utensils) For example you could make:  Red-beet soup or salad or anything tomatoey Orange-Pumpkin pie or a large box of clementines Yellow-Squash soup Green-uhhhh the possibilities … Read more

Farming is the new Rock ‘n’ Roll!

Isn’t it great to root in the earth or to strum around on a spade? Just like Rock ‘n’ Roll, food is a way to distinguish yourself. Everything you eat, you have decided upon. Food is more than just a product to consume, it is about lifestyle, fashion, attitudes, status and politics. Similarly, farming is … Read more

The Future of the EU farmer

a report of Boerengroep activity of last Tuesday Dec 6, written by Klarien Klingen  Henk van Zeijts (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency) presented very clearly the main concepts of the CAP and the proposed changes. The most important proposed changes are: linking 30% of the direct payments to “green” conditions and redistribution the EU budget … Read more

Agri-food commodity chains

resist or embrace? A step forward in development of small scale farmers is often assumed to be more market involvement. However, being more dependant on global commodity chains for revenues as well as for farm inputs, has its downsides too… With speakers of the Centre for Learning on Sustainable Development ILEA, the Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation … Read more