Farmers’ Tales Episode 1: Chris Chancellor from Pluktuin Sayuran

Let’s gain some insight into the perspective of farmers during the changes that are currently affecting all of us. This week, in the first episode of the online Farmers’ Tales, we give the word to Chris Chancellor, farmer at Pluktuin Sayuran! What are the online farmers’ tales? Because of the Corona-measurements, Stichting Boerengroep and Stichting … Read more

Boerengroep 50 years Poster Design Contest

    In 2021, Stichting Boerengroep and Stichting Inspringtheater are turning 50! We have plenty of fun activities and interesting events planned for this festive year, such as discussion evenings about different topics such as peasant farming, an exposition about Dutch agriculture in the past 50 years and a big festival! But… we are still … Read more

Farming in times of corona

Today, April 17, is the International Day of Peasant Struggle – a day to highlight the persecution and violence suffered by peasants and farmers around the world on a daily basis as a result of neoliberal policies. This year, peasants face a new challenge of yet another sanitary crisis. Our focus is on France and … Read more

Article in The Guardian: The small Dutch town that wants to shape the future of your food

Students in Droevendaal Food Forest                   Around the end of October, a journalist from the Guardian approached Boerengroep to learn more about the critical student movement in Wageningen University. We met with her and as we walked around campus, we talked about the University, and how Boerengroep … Read more

FEI 2020 : registration is now open !

Click here to sign up or copy the following link : The FEI is a growing movement, that is being co-created by peasants, farmers, gardeners, scientists, students, activists, NGOs and agroecological companies – working together towards a sustainable, healthy, viable food system that is fair for the earth, the consumer and the producer. Together, … Read more

Docu-night: Inhabit

.On Thursday the 30th of January, we watched Inhabit – A permaculture perspective. The interest and excitement beforehand was nice to see, and we were very happy so many people showed up! The movie explains permaculture as not being a thing, but a way of thinking: it is about a process of design. The word … Read more

Looking back at our Local Farmers’ Fair

Looking back at our Local Farmers’ Fair   On the 30th of January, we had our first Farmers’ Fair of the year! A wonderful moment for students and Farmer Fair enthusiasts to start the year off right and to buy sustainable (Valentine) gifts! The market took place in a very central place on the university, … Read more