Farmers’ Tales: Elske Hageraats from the Ommuurde Tuin

Boerengroep decided to re-introduce the Farmers’ Tales! This is a platform for dialogue on the practices and politics, narratives and nuances of food production. It’s a place to meet up with other students, PhD’ers and researchers who are academically engaged with farmers worldwide. Next year, we plan to regularly have a farmer (or researcher) tell … Read more

Sustainability Day 2019 – Towards circular farming: annual forum

  SUSTAINABILITY DAY 2019 – Towards circular farming: annual forum. Assessing the work in progress. October 10, 2019 | WUR, Wageningen PROGRAM 12:00-12:20 Walk-in, tea/coffee 12:20-12:35 General welcome, Introduction 12:40-14:00 THEME 1: Education and circular farming What does a paradigm shift towards circularity mean in education? Introduction by a speaker & panel discussion 14:00-14:20 Break … Read more

Farm Experience Internship 2019

The FEI is a growing movement, that is being co-created by peasants, farmers, gardeners, scientists, students, activists, NGOs and agroecological companies – working together towards a sustainable, healthy, viable food system that is fair and just for the earth, the consumer and the producer. Together, we co-organize a 3 ECTS international summer course at the … Read more

Last Boerengroep Break of the academic year

Next Wednesday we have our last Boerengroep Break of the year! Come and join us at 20h in Café Onder de Linden for an informal evening where we can talk about all the (farming-related) things! Do you have agricultural plans this summer? Did you enjoy this school year? Let’s take a break together before the … Read more

Farmer’s Tales: How can we feed the world?

  This June we’re re-initiating the Farmer’s Tales! We hope to continue with this next academic year and make it a bi-weekly thing. On the 6th of June, the first edition of the year will be about a small-scale farmer’s perspective on the world food problematic. From 12:30-13:30 in Impulse! We’re very happy to invite … Read more

The Climate March in Amsterdam

More or less 40 000 climate demonstrators joined in Amsterdam on the 10th of March to protest the weak climate policy. They consisted mostly of that part of the population that is inexperienced with demonstrations, or for whom it has been a while since their last protest. But all of them worry about climate change … Read more

Recap Reclaim the Seeds 2019!

  After months of planning, Reclaim the Seeds, Wageningen Edition, took place on the 30th of March. It was a bright, sunny day, putting everyone in a summer mood, and making it a perfect day to celebrate agro-biodiversity, sustainable food production and to reclaim our right to freely swap and share unpatented, GMO-free seeds! The … Read more

Looking back at Akkervarkens Excurison

Summary – excursion to Akkervarkens farm Summary – excursion to Akkervarkensarm On 26th January, Boerengroep organized an excursion to the farm Akkervarkens (Field pigs in English) in Walthermond in Drenthe region, for a group of 11 people. The goal was to visit a pig farm with an innovative, more animal- and environmental-friendly way of raising … Read more