Junk Agroecology – new report by TNI and Friends of the Earth

Friends of The Earth International, Transnational Institute and Crocevia published a new report: ‘Junk Agroecology’: The corporate capture of agroecology for a partial ecological transition without social justice’ Download here: https://www.tni.org/files/publication-downloads/38_foei_junk_agroecology_full_report_eng_lr_0.pdf Give it a read and let’s discuss.  

Vacancy Internship with Boerengroep 50 Years

Become an intern at Boerengroep and organize 50 years Boerengroep activities!  We are currently looking for an intern starting in spring 2021, to help organize a 50 years Boerengroep festival September next year. We are thinking of a day-long event with continuous workshops about different agriculture- and food-related practices, a theatre show and a farmers market, … Read more

Interview with a Boerengroep Board Member: Shumaila Shaikh

This time we interviewed Shumaila Shaikh, a well-experienced Farm Experience Internship organizer and currently an intern at Boerengroep. Enjoy! What is your name? Shumaila Shaikh Where are you from? Coastal India Do you have a farming/theatre background? Yes! In both. I played the shoemakers wife in a play when I was 10 and I grew … Read more

Publication YOUR LAND, MY LAND, OUR LAND by Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Movement

“Today the Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Movement in Europe and Central Asia (Nyéléni ECA) launches a practical tool to support and strengthen land struggles for small and medium-scale food producers and local communities. Land access issues, long since recognised in international and institutional spaces, are even more urgent in the current context: both due to the … Read more

Farmers’ Tales Episode 1: Chris Chancellor from Pluktuin Sayuran

Let’s gain some insight into the perspective of farmers during the changes that are currently affecting all of us. This week, in the first episode of the online Farmers’ Tales, we give the word to Chris Chancellor, farmer at Pluktuin Sayuran! What are the online farmers’ tales? Because of the Corona-measurements, Stichting Boerengroep and Stichting … Read more

Boerengroep 50 years Poster Design Contest

    In 2021, Stichting Boerengroep and Stichting Inspringtheater are turning 50! We have plenty of fun activities and interesting events planned for this festive year, such as discussion evenings about different topics such as peasant farming, an exposition about Dutch agriculture in the past 50 years and a big festival! But… we are still … Read more

What’s the deal with phosphorus?

By Louise Vercruysse, Joost Sleiderink, Aron Ortega, Esther van Hoof & Pablo Van Neste Join our event The phosphorus crisis: an alternative look from the forest , online, on the 12th of May! Phosphorus, Phosphate, P-levels are probably terms you have heard of in chemistry, biology or geology class. It is one of the essential … Read more