Farmers’ Protests in India: what is it about?

Indian farmers also want regulation, no surrender to the free market. Article translated from the summary made by Greet Goverde for Platform ABC (link for Dutch text). The Peasant Foundation recently organized a discussion about the farmers’ protests in India, more on that below. But first the background: why protests, why now? It is actually … Read more

About palm oil

written by Romy van der Made You might have heard of it, you might have not. In the Netherlands, we consume at least 136,000 tons of it each year. That is about 8 kilos per person. It is one of the most used vegetable oils in the world. And last but not least, it is … Read more

Recording Farmers’ Tale: Solawi Zabergäu

This is the recording of the third virtual Farmer’s Tale in the peasant farmers of Europe series! This time we were joined by Stefanie Wolf of SoLaWi (Solidarische Landwirtschaft) Zabergäu. This farm has it all! Alpacas, sheep, vegetable patches, a large proportion of green manure, beehives, happy volunteers and share holders! The Demeter-certified farm is … Read more

Interview with a Boerengroepie: chair Pablo Van Neste

This week, we finally meet our chair, Pablo Van Neste. Pablo recently graduated with a Masters’ Degree in Organic Agriculture. He’s very involved in the Food Forest in Droevendaal and in the working group on Commons of Toekomstboeren. Enjoy his interesting ideas related to various topics loosely connected to farming and Boerengroep! What is your … Read more

Farmers’ Tales: Arvaia and Fattoria Rio Selva

On the 17th of December, we virtually got to know two CSA’s in Italy: Arvaia and Rio Selva. You can watch the recording below! Arvaia is a community that supports agriculture in Bologna, with 47 hectares dedicated to both agricultural land and public green areas. The community forms a collective who is directly involved in … Read more

Recording webinar About Peatlands

Here you can find the recording of our webinar About Peatlands, that was held on the 4th of November. Scroll down for more information! If we want a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, we need to increase our carbon sinks. Strengthening peatlands is one of the three most important ways to do that, stated Frans Timmermans … Read more

Junk Agroecology – new report by TNI and Friends of the Earth

Friends of The Earth International, Transnational Institute and Crocevia published a new report: ‘Junk Agroecology’: The corporate capture of agroecology for a partial ecological transition without social justice’ Download here: Give it a read and let’s discuss.