Agro-Ecology Europe Forum 2019

The Agro-Ecology Europe Forum took place last September for the second time. This year the island of Crete was the set destination. From all over Europe, farmers, researchers, policy makers and students gathered to discuss different topics within agro-ecology. This year the focus was on how to mainstream agro-ecology and how to strenghten the movement. … Read more

Together towards Circular Farming: annual forum – What was said?

Here you can find a rendition of almost everything that has been talked about during the Circular Farming Annual Forum, that was held on the 10th of October in Orion. A shorter article-version will follow. 10.10 Together towards Circular Farming: Annual Forum Introduction Circular Farming Platform Wageningen First there was an introduction about and by … Read more

New data shows: we are losing 22 farms a day in the Netherlands.

We live in a world where 1 out of 9 people suffer from hunger – some 815 million people in total. Eighty percent of them live in rural areas and are directly dependent on agricultural practices: small scale farmers (“peasants”), landless rural workers, fishers, shepherds, pastoralists, hunters and gatherers etc. (FAO 2017 ; Tittonell, 2015). … Read more

A succesfull first Alternative Thesis Fair!


This year during Seriously Sustainable, the first Alternative Thesis Fair took place at Wageningen University! The goal of this event, organised by Green Office, Otherwise and Boerengroep, was to help organisations with thesis questions and students looking for a thesis find each other – and so they did.

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May 2017: the discussion on renewal of the CAP has started


After 2020, a new version of the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will come into practice. This spring, the discussion on how this new version of the CAP should look like has started. Boerengroep is following the progress closely, as the CAP impacts the life of farmers all over Europe. The 6th of April, Boerengroep was present at an open consultation by the ministry of Economic Affairs in Kamerik. The 11th of May, we travelled to Brussel for an international symposium. Two interesting days, promising a complicated but important discussion on the renewal of the CAP in the coming years.

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Transforming our global food system

We are honoured to have organized a last minute event on Thursday 15 December 2011 with the world renowned speaker, Eric Holt-Gimenez. The title of this event is “transforming our global food system” and is the first of the new monthly series organised by OtherWise and Boerengroep “Grassroots science: sustainable alternatives from the field”. Eric Holt … Read more

The Future of the EU farmer

a report of Boerengroep activity of last Tuesday Dec 6, written by Klarien Klingen  Henk van Zeijts (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency) presented very clearly the main concepts of the CAP and the proposed changes. The most important proposed changes are: linking 30% of the direct payments to “green” conditions and redistribution the EU budget … Read more