
Live examples from Brazil and the Netherlands
Should answers to health risks and environmental problems in agriculture be sought in technological innovations? Or can solutions maybe be found in a more close cooperation with nature and ecological principles? The agroecological movement is growing worldwide. It is working on answers in agriculture based on closing cycles and functional biodiversity. What does agro-ecology have to offer for agriculture in the South and in The Netherlands? What choices do we need to make to give it a fair chance? And what does it mean for Wageningen University?
With Irene Cardoso, soil scientist at the University of Viçosa (Brazil) and vice-president of the Brazilian Agroecology Association and Organic farmer Tom Saat, owner urban farm Almere, winner of Ekoland Innovationprize 2012.
When: Monday March 18, at 20h
Where: Forum building Wageningen, room C222
Entrance: free, please be in time
Organised by: CLM, Ecominds, and Centre for Debate de Rode Hoed (whole series) together with ILEIA Wageningen and Stichting Otherwise (this evening)
Supported by: Lazuur Food Community, Bite It
Read more: interview with Irene Cardoso, more info on agroecology, announcement by ILEIA
replay the evening: on WUR TV
This evening is part of ‘It’s the Food, Stupid’, a national debate series at Rode Hoed, Amsterdam:


IT’S THE FOOD, STUPID! from Philip van Ierschot on Vimeo.