18th June: Agroecology Evening

agroecology poster


After an exciting lecture series of Studium Generale, debates whether we need farmers or not, it is time for the next step! Hanny van Geel (La Via Campesina) will explain us all about agroecology as a practice and a movement.

Moreover we will go beyond theory and inspire you with the story of the Farm Experience Internship: an official university course about agroecology, set up by students! The concept of the FEI started as part of a agroecological movement in Brasil, where it’s called Estágio Interdisciplinar de Vivência (EIV). Three years ago this idea of setting up a course yourself was brought to Wageningen by Heitor Teixeira, a student from Brasil.








More info from Hanny van Geel:

* presentation agroecologie Hanny van Geel

* Declaration Mali Agroecology feb 2015

* How do we bring agricultural food to the citizenship


More info on agroecology:

Library on Agroecology

‘Het Echte Werk’ (booklet about agroecological farmers – in Dutch)

Altieri, 1989. Agroecology: A new Research and Development Paradigm for World Agriculture.

Altieri, 2002. Agroecology. The science of natural resource management for poor farmers in marginal environments

Miguel Altieri on Agroecology (video)

A conversation with Miguel Altieri (document)

Silici, 2014. Agroecology. What is it and what it has to offer. IIED Paper

OXFAM, 2014. Building a New Agricultural Future. Supporting agro-ecology for people and the planet.

United Nations Report submitted by the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter

Rosset and Torres, 2013. Food Sovereignty. Rural Social Movements, Dialogo de Saberes. Agroecology

Agroecology – a shocking history in Brazil. The story of the Farm Experience Internship



The Estágio Interdisciplinar de Vivência (EIV) in Brasil: