
Agroecology as a science, movement and a practice: can it feed the world?

Irene Cardoso, Vice president of the Brazilian Agroecology Association (ABA), Soil Scientist at The Federal University of Viรงosa (UFV), and Coordinator of the Center for Alternative Technology of Zona da Mata (CTA-ZM)

In this lecture Irene Cardoso will discuss some questions that are common when talking about Agroecology: Is agroecology a science, a movement or practice? Is it possible to feed the world using agroecology approach in agriculture? What is the best: intensifying agriculture to have more area for nature conservation or to have a more extensive agriculture integrated with nature? She will also share some of her own experiences, mainly with agroforestry systems, in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais, Brazil. One question she would like to leave for the discussion: how can we scale up the agroecological experiences around the world?

Monday February 13, at 19:30
Forum building room C221
Registerย to reserve a seat

Lecture is part of Grassroots Sciences series, organised by Otherwise and Boerengroep. Lectures and workshops can be attended individually or as a capita selecta course.

presentation Agroecology Irene Cardoso February 2012