April 11: Spring Excursion

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On Saturday the 11 of April it is time for our yearly Spring Excursion!

This time we will visit the one and only organic veal farm in The Netherlands, Ecofields. They produce about 1500 calves each year. This system has 3 stars from the Beter Leven label. Thereafter we will visit the organic care farmt Paradijs, where they keep about 30 cows, 60 pigs, and 6000 laying hens each year. They also have horticulture and a special care program for children, adults and elderly. At last we will visit the mixed biodynamic farm de Vijfsprong, here they have arable land, horticulture, 40 dairy cows and they process their own dairy. Also here they have a special care program, for example for disabled people.

Date: 11th of april

Time: 8.45-17.15

Costs: €10,-

Wanna Join?  Send an email to st.boerengroep@wur.nl