April 23: Food Chains documentary & debate

Food chains documentary & debate

Do you shop at Albert Heijn? Supermarkets have tremendous power over the agricultural system. Over the past 3 decades they have drained revenue from their supply chain leaving farmworkers in poverty and forced to work under subhuman conditions. Yet many take no responsibility for this. The movie ‘Food chains’ documents the fight of Florida farmworkers through their ingenious Fair Food Program.

Come and watch the documentary with us, and join the debate afterwards!


The panel members of the debate are:

– Marijke Bijl (Dutch Ahold Campaign CIW)

– Wim Baltussen (FNV Agrarisch Groen)

– Keimpe van der Heide (Dutch Arable Farmers Union)
The debate will be facilitated by Jessica Duncan (Rural Sociology Group)


Date: Thursday, 23th of April

Time: 19h-21h/21.30h

Room: C222, Forum Building


poster food chains